Thursday, March 6, 2014

Know the Red Beans

Red bean plants belonging to the creeping shrub that requires a buffer when grown . Red bean plants have compound leaves and litter leaves elliptic three .
(see also: pakan burung)

Kidney beans have grown to a height of about 3.5 m to 4.5 m . Meanwhile, podded fruit and elongated . Within the pods there are generally 2 to 3 red beans . The shape of red beans have a larger size than green beans or green beans with seed coat dark red or brick red . If the seed coat peeled , it will look white beans .

Habitat Red Beans
Red bean plants can grow well in cold or wet temperate areas with an altitude of between 1,400 m to 2,000 m above sea level . The temperature required for growing beans is about 16 o C to 27o C with rainfall between 900 mm to 1,500 mm per year. But can also grow in rainfall between 500 mm to 600 mm but in the planting season . Red beans will grow well in soil that has a pH between 6.0 to 6.8 with a good drainage system .

Types of Red Beans
There are three types of beans are red bean , adzuki beans or small red beans , and red kidney bean or pea large . In Japanese , adzuki small means . Adzuki beans have a darker color than red bean and widely grown in East Asia . While Kidney Bean is a type of red bean that has the largest size among the two other types of beans . This species is also encountered in Indonesia .

Content of Vitamins and Benefits Red Beans

Kidney beans contain a lot of protein , fat , sodium , fiber , vitamin B1 , vitamin B2 , folic acid , and minerals . Therefore , red beans are very beneficial to the body and is highly recommended to be consumed on a regular basis . The content of vitamin B1nya could prevent beriberi and maintain metabolism and nerve function . Protein content nabatinya able mecegah growth of colon cancer cells .
(see also: distributor pakan burung)

Of iron and copper in red bean able to prevent anemia and helps the formation of various important enzymes in the body .


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